Photographing the World’s Sexiest Car

Happy Wednesday!!

I thought I’d take a moment to talk about what it’s like to own a Tesla and being privileged enough to photograph this amazing car.

First and foremost, I love Tesla and everything Elon Musk and the team has been doing since 2008. Rechargeable home batteries and sustainable transport are super exciting topics in our world right now!

I ordered my Tesla on my birthday — late November — in 2016. Tesla started construction around Christmas and I took delivery on February 2nd.

I absolutely love driving and photographing my Tesla. It’s one of the most photogenic cars you could snap a photo of. Since I’ve owned it just over a year now, I was hit with a tough realization…electric cars eat rubber. The instant torque that gives Tesla cars their insane acceleration also burns through (expensive) tires. My Tesla came with 50,000 mile tires, but they only lasted 30,000 miles! :-/

Aside from being able to take badass photos when the mood strikes me, the biggest perk is being able to “fill up” or charge my car with the Free Tesla Supercharger network or simply by plugging in at home.

I’ve put together a gallery of my most recent Tesla shots to share with you! If you’d like to purchase any prints to support this blog, they are full (high) resolution and do not contain any watermarks.

Tesla Model S Photo




Thanks for stopping by today!




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